Learn. Lead. Innovate.

Learn. Lead. Innovate

tiistai 18. syyskuuta 2012

Is this flipped classroom ?

What is flipped classroom in your mind ? Do you understand flipped classroom as a videomaterial or what ?

We had sort of flipped classroom experiment last period. Here is our test model :

1. BLOG.First we founded blog site for the course. Student got their homework via blog and they answered their hometasks in the blog. It was easy to check their homework and comment those. At school we had more time to discuss in groups about their hometasks and book chapters.

2.ESSEYS. Student made their "miniessays" to the blog. We saved lot of paper during the course. There is no photocopies at all. Teacher commented and guided this process.

3.IPADS. There was much more dedication among students when they had iPads with. We gave them 17 iPads to work and let students take devices to home. Working at home was easier and mobile. So we tested 1:1 system in small scale and it worked well.

4.CONNECTED STUDENT. During the course we trained Facebook with dictators profiles and we founded Twitter acounts to students. So students started to be a connected students.

5. NEW APPS AND SKILLS. Students learned lot of new applications and skills.
-blogging (Blogger)
-use iPads (idea of tablets)
-digital storytelling (Pic Collage, Strip Desing )
-making mindmaps (Popplet)
-produce something new (Doceri)
-work in teams and groups
-timetabeling (timelines)

Do you think that this was flipped classroom ?

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